Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Trinity and Christmas

It is not uncommon to hear trinitarians speak of Christmas as the "birth of God," or even "God's birthday". Of course, Yahweh Himself has never been begotten, conceived, born, or brought into existence, since he has always been in existence. Nor has Yahweh ever been born as a human being, as is often imagined by trinitarians, as well as some others. Although many claim that some scriptures present a doctrine "incarnation", that is, that Jesus was the Most High and clothed himself with the flesh while still remaining the Most High, such a doctrine is not once actually presented in the Bible.

In effect, what is described by the "incarnation" doctrine would end up with the Jesus having two totally different sentiencies at once, for it is claimed that Jesus was and is omniscient, having a sentiency of abosolutely everything in the entire universe, while at the same time, Jesus, as a human, only had the sentiency of a human, and was thus not omnisicent. In reality, this would mean that Jesus himself is two persons, one with the omniscient sentiency, and one that does not have the omniscient sentiency.

Likewise, traditionally, the very celebration of "Christmas/Noel" has been associated with the false teaching of the "incarnation", indeed, "the Incarnation of God" is often used almost as a synonym for "Christmas/Noel", as can be seen from the following quotes:

"Christmas - The Incarnation of God."

"Christmas Incarnation" "the real meaning of Christmas -- the incarnation of God"

"Christmas - The Miracle of the Incarnation"

"The Christmas Miracle of the Incarnation of the Omnipresent Word"

"Christmas, the Incarnation, and the Communion

"Advent and Christmas draw our focus to the mystery of the Incarnation, of God becoming man."

"Christmas is the celebration of the incarnation of God."

"the account of incarnate deity.... " (The context shows that the author is using the word "deity" to mean the God of the Bible, the Most High.

"The Feast of the Incarnation... The incarnation of God."

"a holiday celebrating the birth of God Incarnate."

"celebrates the birth of Christ and the wonderful mystery of the incarnation" "the good news of Christmas and the incarnation"

"Birth of Christ, Incarnation, Nativity and Christmas"

"Christmas is the church's celebration of the Incarnation, the supreme mystery that the holy and almighty God took on human flesh and was born in this world of the Virgin Mary."

"The incarnation of God becoming human and actually living among us is the Wonder of the Christmas story."

"Christmas focuses on the incarnation of Jesus" "The Incarnation, then, refers to God taking upon Himself a human form. So when Jesus was born into the world, Godfor one time in all human historybecame man!"

"The Christmas season celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God."

"The Christmas festival is about the incarnation of God"

"the pinnacle of Advent comes with Christmas, when we celebrate the Incarnation of God. "

"the very heart and meaning of Christmas ... the wonder of the Incarnation (the birth of God-made-man Jesus)"

"The Christmas Marvel" "The birth of God! It took place in Bethlehem."

Thus, by man's self-appointed "orthodox" traditional expression, the event described by the word "Christmas", which is often used as a translation and synonym of "Noel", is seen to mean the "incarnation of God," which, by extension, refers to "the birth of God." As such, "Christmas" is really proclaimed by most "Christians" to be a celebration of man's dogma that Jesus is God, especially that of the trinity doctrine, which dogma has to be added to and read into the scriptures. This dogma of man, in effect, would mean to make Jesus himself into an idol, since it ends up proclaiming the creature to possess the glory that only belongs to the Creator Most High.

The false dogma of man --the incarnation of God -- is also expressed in the Christmas carol, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;
Hail th' Incarnate Deity,
Pleased as man with men to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark! The herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King."


Another carol, "In the Bleak Midwinter" says:

In the bleak midwinter a stable-place sufficed
The Lord God incarnate, Jesus Christ.


Another carol, "How Should A King Come" has the lines:

And a King lay hid in a virgins womb, and there were no crowds to see Him come.
At last in a barn in a manger of hay He came, and God incarnate lay!


Since all of these expressions, and the whole idea that Jesus is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is false, giving Jesus worship that only belongs to the his God is, in effect, idolatry. Yes, we should "flee from idolatry".

How Should a Christian View Thanksgiving and Christmas?

I have also found references to the pagan "noel log", "noel" being used almost as a synonym for "yule".
"Noel Log" and Pagan
"Yule Log" and Pagan

Some related books (I do not necessarily agree with all conclusions given by these authors):

Pagan Christmas: The Plants, Spirits, and Rituals at the Origins of Yuletide

Christmas In Ritual and Tradition: Christian and Pagan

Restoring the Biblical Christ: Is Jesus God?

Divine Truth or Human Tradition? - A Reconsideration of the Roman-Protestant Docrtine of the Trinity

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Matthew 28:18 - Was This God the Son Speaking?

One makes the claim that w hen Jesus spoke at times it was GOD speaking and at times the Flesh speaking, evidently applying the alleged ...